Methods of plant propagation in spices

Methods of plant propagation in spices



    Method of propagation


    Black pepper

    Single noded rooted cutting using bamboo method

    Multiplication rate of 1:40 per year. Good anchorage due to presence of two root systems


    Trench method of sucker production

    Multiplication rate of 1:20 per year


    Inarching on clove seedling

    Earliness, dwarfness and high productivity


    Epicotyl grafting, top working

    Female plants are propagated conservation of male plants to female plants. Rapid multiplication of elite plants per unit area.


    Cottage, air layering (rapid multiplication techniques)

    Earliness,. More plants per unit area


    Air layering, cuttage

    True to type plants


    Cuttage, layering

    Management of rhizome rot

    Ginger and turmeric


    Crop rotation, solarization and disease –free rhizomes.

    Source: Spice Board, Cochin)
  • Some of the salient achievements of biotechnology in spices include micro-propagation and clonal multiplication in cardamom, black pepper, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and vanilla. In vitro selection for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses especially rhizome-rot in ginger is in progress. Protocols are also available for direct regeneration through tissue culture in long pepper, chaba pepper, kaempferia, curry leaf, tamarind, coriander, fennel, cumin, dill, lavender, aniseed, thyme and large cardamom. Synseed technologies are also available for cardamom, ginger, turmeric and pepper.
Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 6:48 AM