Description of the plant

Description of the plant

  • Tuulgaris is a low, evergreen, perennial under-shrub reaching a height of 20-30 cm whereas, the wild thyme (T serpyllum L) creeps on the soil surface and has broad leaves with a weaker odour. The roots are fairly robust and the stems are branched. The former has oblong¬lancelolate, sessile leaves of 10 mm x 3 mm size, with orange-brown, glandular dots, which are coriaceous. The young leaves are slightly woolly. The flowers are small, purplish or bluish to almost white, united in spikes at the tip of the branches and have a bilabiate, tube-like calyx and a bilabiate, tubular corolla with a 3-lobed lower lip. The fruit is a nutlet, brown, 4-sectioned, smooth and is found in the remains of the calyx. The entire plant is aromatic.
Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 7:03 AM