Land preparation

Land preparation

  • The land is prepared well by repeated ploughing or digging and brought to a fine tilth. Then, the land is divided into plots of convenient sizes.
  • When the seeds are sown directly, they can be sown in rows 90 cm apart and later, when the seeds germinate, the seedlings may be thinned out to 30-45 cm within the row. While planting the seedlings or rooted cuttings or layers, etc, they should be planted 30-45 cm apart in rows that are 60 cm apart. A light irrigation is usually provided after planting.
    Manures and fertilisers
  • A light dressing of FYM is given in autumn. Fertilisers are applied @ 100:40:40 kg NPK/ha. A top-dressing of N and FYM in spring is reported to promote the formation of numerous leafy shoots.
  • No information is available on this aspect. Since the crop is planted late in summer, it requires frequent irrigations during the dry period.
  • Inter-culture operations and weeding are done at regular intervals to encourage the good growth of the plants. In the hills, in order to avoid frost injury to plants during winter, mulching is done.
Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 7:02 AM