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Topic 19
Characteristics of Evaluation
• The objectives of an extension programme must be stated in clear and measurable terms. Only then can relevant and specific evidence be collected and analysed to determine the management and the successes and failures of the programme for achieving its objectives.
• Instrument of measurement for collecting evaluate information must be very carefully designed. Not only should they valid, but contain specific indicators to ensure that relevant information is collected.
• Information or evidence collected for evaluation purposes must be reliable. Reliability refers to the extent to which the information collected is dependable.
• Evaluate information must also be valid. Validity means the extent to which the data measures what it is supposed to measure.
• Evaluative information should be of practical use. In other words evaluation should be done in such a way that its finding or conclusions could be used for improving the programme planning, management and impact /li>
Last modified: Thursday, 12 January 2012, 11:27 AM