Weed Management

Weed Management

    Among the pulses, red gram is the only crop that has a characteristically slow initial growth rate. This makes red gram less competitive with weeds. Weeds grow profusely in the rainy season due to the favorable moisture conditions and, if not timely controlled, can cause up to 90per cent reduction in seed yield. Some of the common weeds associated with red gram are Cyperusrotundus, Digitaria sp., Dectylocteniumaegyptium, Setariaglauca, Amaranthus sp., Celosia argentea,Commelinabenghalensis, Phyllanthusniruri and Euphorbia sp.

    Timely weed control is also important. The first 60 days is very critical in the life cycle of the plants. Hand weeding twice at 25-30 and 45-60days after sowing control the weeds. Pre-emergence herbicides can control weeds for the first 30-40 days. Application of Alachlor, Metolachlor or Pendimethalinat 1.0 kg a.i./ha effectively control germinating seedlings of weeds and keeps the field free from the weeds for the first 50 days.A hand weeding at 10-15 days after pre-emergence herbicide application keep fields generally weed free.

Last modified: Monday, 23 January 2012, 5:00 AM