Benefits of Regulated Markets
Benefits of Regulated Markets
- The economic and social benefits accruing to the cultivators, as a result of the regulation of markets are:
- As a result of the rationalization of market charges alone, the producer-seller is benefitted to the tune of 3 to 5 rupees for every hundred rupees worth of produce marketed by him in regulated markets.
- There has been an increase in the number of sellers bringing their produce to these markets.
- A change has also been brought about in the socialistic behavior of the influential, powerful and economically well off trading sections towards the illiterate, ignorant, indebted and economically backward cultivators by constant diversion of their attention to the canons of fair trading and responsibilities that devolve on the licensed traders and commission agents of the market committees.
- Market changes are clearly defined and specified. Excessive charges are reduced and unwarranted ones are prohibited.
- Market practices are regulated and; and the undesirable activities of the market functionaries are brought under control so that a fair dealing is assured.
- Correct weighment is ensured by periodical inspections and verifications of scales and weights. Only correct and stamped beam scales and weights are allowed to be used in the market. Weighment is done only by the licensed weighman.
- A machinery for the settlement of disputes between traders and sellers is set up. This machinery provides suitable arrangements for the settlement of disputes regarding quality, weighment and deductions prevent litigation, safeguard the interests of the seller and smoothens business by creating good relation between sellers and buyers.
- Besides, reliable statistics of arrivals, stocks and prices are easily maintained.
Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 5:36 AM