Method of seed production
Stages of seed production
- Breeder seedī Foundation seedī Certified seed.
- Samba Varieties: K1, CO1, Pusa Jwala, PKM1, CO3, K2, Pant C1, G4
- Gundu Varieties: CO2, G5 (Andhra Jyoti), PMK1, PLR1, CO4
- Notified Varieties: G5, Chanchal, CO1, CO2, Hot Portugal, Jawhar mirch 218, Jwala, K1, K2, MDU1, Pant C1, Panjab lal , PKM1, Sanauri, Sindhur
- KT.1, (Pusa Deepti), Solar Hybrid 1, Solar Hybrid 2. Early Bounty, Indira, Lario, Hira, Bharat.
- June July, February March, September October.
Land requirement
- There is no land requirement as of previous crops, but the land should be free from volunteer plants.
- Generally areas affected by wilt or root rot may be avoided. Crop rotation must be followed to avoid endemic solanaceous pests.
Isolation requirement
- Minimum isolation distance of 400 M for foundation and hybrid seed and 200 M for certified seed production are necessary.
Seed rate
- Seed required for one hectare is 500 g to 1 kg for variety; for hybrids Female - 200 g and male - 50 g
Seed Treatment
- Seeds should be treated with captan @ 2g/kg or Trichoderma viride @ 4g /kg of seed and also seed treatment with Azospirillium @ 0.1 % improved the seedling vigour in chilli.
- Sowing the seeds in raised nursery bed of 20 cm height, in rows of 5 cm gap and covered with sand.
- Eight and ten nursery beds will be sufficient to transplant one acre.
- Application of 2 kg of DAP 10 days before pulling out of seedlings.
- The seedlings of 30 35 days old are ready for transplanting.
- Transplanting may be done on the ridges in the evening.
Foliar spray
- To arrest the flower drop, NAA (Planofix) can be sprayed @ 4ml/litre of water.
- Very light irrigation is also done to arrest the flower drop.
- Application of 50 tonnes of FYM/ha for irrigated crop.
- Basal 100:70:70 kg of NPK and 50 kg of N at 15 days after transplanting and 50 kg N at 45th days after transplanting.
- Field inspection and roughing should be done both for varieties and hybrid at different stages based on the plant height and its stature, flower colour and pod characters.
- The plants affected with leaf blight, anthracnose and viral diseases should be removed from the seed field.
Specific Field Standards
Off types (max)
Designated diseased plant (max)
- The designated diseases are caused by Collertotictum capsici and leaf blight caused by Alternaria solani.
Pest and disease management Pests Fruit borer
- Spraying of carbaryl 50 WP 3 g/lit or chlorpyriphos 20 EC 3 ml/lit or quinalphos 25 EC 2 ml/lit.
- Spraying of dimethoate 30 EC 2 ml/lit or methyl demeton 25 EC 2 ml/lit or formothion 2 ml/lit or dust quinalphos 1.5 D at 20 kg/ha thrice at fortnightly intervals.
- Acephate 75 SP 1 g/lit or methyl demeton 25 EC 2 ml/lit or phosalone 35 EC 2 ml/lit.
Yellow Muranai mite
- Spray dicofol 18.5 EC 2.5 ml/lit or ethion 50 EC 4 ml/lit or wettable sulphur 50 WP 6 g/lit.
Rootknot nematode
- Application of TNAU formulation of VAM (containing 1 spore/g to control root knot nematode in nursery).
Diseases Damping off
- Treating the seeds with Trichoderma viride 4 g/kg or Pseudomonas fluorescens 10g /kg of seed 24 hours before sowing.
- Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens as soil application @ 2.5 kg/ha mixed with 50 kg of FYM.
- Stagnation of water should be avoided.
- Drenching with Copper oxychloride at 2.5 g/lit at 4 lit/sq.m
Leaf spot
- Spraying of Mancozeb 2 g/lit or copper oxychloride 2.5 g/lit.
Powdery mildew
- Spraying of Wettable sulphur 3 g/lit or Carbendazim 1 g/lit, 3 sprays at 15 days interval from the first appearance of symptom.
Die-back and fruit rot
- Spraying of Mancozeb 2 g/lit or copper oxychloride 2.5 g/lit thrice at 15 days interval starting from noticing the die-back symptoms.
Chilli mosaic
- Raising two rows of maize or sorghum for every five rows of chilli crop against wind direction.