Hybrid seed production
Hybrid seed production
- The crossing operation can be performed as per the methods outlined for tomato and brinjal hybrid seed production. However, hand emasculation and pollination is some what difficult since the flowers are minute. Hence use of male sterile lines can also be employed for hybrid seed production.
Emasculation and Pollination
- Emasculation may be done either early in the morning or in the previous afternoon before opening of flower and petals still covering the anthers and stigma. With the help of a pair of forceps the petals are parted carefully and the anthers are removed separately. The emasculated flower buds are protected by thin cotton wad or bag or by thin cloth loosely wrapped around the branch, enclosing leaves and flowers and securely fastened.
- Pollen collection is normally done late in the morning. Pollens from the previously protected flowers may be collected by a vibrator or after plucking the flowers from intended male parents, and gently tapped by finger for the collection of pollens in a petridish or watch glass.
- The best time of pollination is early morning or late afternoon of the following day of emasculation. Pollination may be done by touching the freshly dehisced anthers to the stigma by forceps, by dusting pollens over the stigma or by transferring the pollens with brush or needle very carefully. The petals may be cut off to facilitate pollination. Bagging of the flowers should be done to prevent pollen contamination.
Use of male sterility
- Both genic and cytoplasmic – genic male sterility have been reported. The first public sector hybrid CH 1 was developed at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana by utilizing male sterile in MS – 12. This male sterile line has been developed by utilizing the male sterile line introduced from France. At IIHR, Bangalore, three cytoplasmic and genic male sterile lines have been identified from Korean hybrids and indigenous sources.
Figure 3. Structure of chilli flower
Harvesting and processing
- Harvesting should be done in different pickings. First and last two pickings can be harvested for vegetable purpose. The well ripened fruits with deep, red colour alone should be collected in each picking. After harvest, fruit rot infected fruits are to be discarded. The harvested pods are to be dried under shade for one (or) two days and then under sun for another 2 or 3 days. Before drying pods are to be selected for true to type and graded for seed extraction. The seed are extracted from graded dried pods. The pods are taken in gunny bag and beaten with pliable bamboo sticks. The seeds are cleaned by winnowing and dried to 10% moisture content over tarpaulin. Then seeds are processed with BSS 8 wiremesh screens. For large scale seed extraction, the TNAU model chilli seed extractor may be used.
Seed storage
- Seeds obtained from the first picking stored well for a longer time than those obtained from fifth and sixth pickings. The rate of deterioration was also faster in seed obtained from the later pickings. The seeds stored in PAFP pouches recorded higher germination for thirty months after storage as compared those in cloth bags.
Seed Yield
Seed Standards (Variety & Hybrid)
Pure seed (mini)
Inert matter (maxi)
Other crop seeds (maxi) no/kg
Weed seeds (maxi) no/kg
Germination (mini)
Moisture (maxi)
For VP container (maxi)
Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 6:22 AM