Method of seed production
Stages of seed production
- Breeder seed → Foundation seed → Certified seed
- CO1, CO2, CO3, Gujarat Coriander -1, Gujarat Coriander-2, Rajendra Swati, Rcr- 47, Swathi, Sadhana.
- In Tamil Nadu, as an irrigated crop, coriander is raised in June-July and September-October.
- In the first season, it matures early before the end of August-September.
- In the second season the crop matures late with an extended growth phase during January- February.
- The growth and the yield of second season crop are found to be better than the first season crop.
Land requirement
- Land to be used for seed production of coriander should be free from volunteer plants.
Isolation requirement
- Foundation seed – 200 m; Certified seed – 100m
Seed rate
- Irrigated condition - 10-15 kg/ha
- Rainfed condition - 25-30 kg/ha
Seed treatment
- Coriander fruit contains two seeds which are fully capable of germination. Therefore, it is highly essential to divide fruit into halves (mericarps) by rubbing on rough floor with a wooden roller holding by hands at both the ends. This operation not only reduce 50 per cent seed requirement (both halves) but only enhance early and high percentage of germination.
- For irrigated crop, sowing is generally done in rows spaced at 30 to 40 cm apart with 15 cm between hills. Soil depth should not exceed 3.0 cm. Three to five seeds are sown in a hill and later on thinned to two plants per hill.
Seed treatment
- Water soluble inhibitors are present in coriander schizocarp which prevents seed germination. Seed leaching in running water for 16 hr and then soaking in double the quantity of 100 ppm GA3 solution for 16 hr will enhanced the germination and vigour index.
Main field manuring
- About 10 tonnes of farm yard manure is applied at the time of last preparation. In addition, to this, 20 kg N, 30 kg P and 20 kg K per hectare should be applied at the time of sowing for both irrigated and rainfed crop. For irrigated coriander an additional dose of 40 kg N/ha should be applied in two equal splits, first at 30 and second at 75 days of sowing.
- First irrigation is given 3 days after sowing and thereafter at 10 to 15 days interval depending upon the soil moisture available in the soil.
After cultivation
- The first hoeing and weeding are given in about 30 days. Thinning the plants is also attended simultaneously, leaving only two plants per hill. Depending upon the growth one or two more weeding are done.
- A minimum of 3 inspections shall be made during before flowering, 50% flowering and prior to harvest to verify the true nature of plant.
Field Standards
Foundation seed
Certified seed
Isolation distance (m)
No. of field inspection
Offtypes (%)
Pest and Disease Management
- At the seedling stage coriander is often attacked by the leaf eating caterpillars and semi-loopers and at the flowering stage by the aphids. Spraying the crop with methyl demeton (0.05%) is recommended to control the aphids but at flowering stage the use of any insecticide would kill the bee population affecting pollination in the crop.
- Powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni) is a serious disease which ruin the crop if allowed unchecked in the initial stage itself. Spraying wettable sulphur 0.25% or 0.2% solution of Karathane twice at 10 to 15 days interval is recommended. Grain mould is caused by Helminthosporium sp, Alternaria sp., Carvularia sp and Fusarium sp. It can be controlled by spraying carbendazim 0.1% 20 days after seeds set.
Plant protection Aphid
- Spraying of methyl demeton 25 EC @ 2 ml/lit or dimethoate 30 EC @ 2 ml/lit.
Diseases Powdery mildew
- Spraying of Wettable sulphur 1 kg/ha or Dinocap 250 ml/ha at the time of initial appearance of the disease. Neem seed kernel extract 5% spraying in thrice (1st spray immediately after the appearance of disease. 2nd and 3rd at 10 days interval. 3 sprays of NSKE (5%), 1st spray immediately after appearance of the disease, 2nd & 3rd at 15 days interval).
Grain mould
- Spraying of Carbendazim 0.1 % (500 g/ha) 20 days after grain set.
Harvesting and processing
- Harvesting has to be done when the fruits are fully ripe and start changing from green to brown colour. Delaying of the harvest should be avoided reduces shattering during harvest and splitting of the fruits in subsequent processing operations. The plants are cut or pulled and piled into small stacks in the field to wither for 2 to 3 days. The fruits are then threshed out from the plants by beating with sticks or rubbing with hands. The produce is winnowed, cleaned and dried in partial shade. After drying the produce is stored in gunny bags lined with paper. The irrigated crop yields and average 600 to 1200 kg/ha.
Coriander seeds treated with halogen mixture @ 3g/kg of seed and packed in 300 gauge polylined cloth bag stored for more than 5 months. Seed standards
Pure seed (minimum)
Inert matter (maximum)
Other crop seed (maximum) (no./kg)
10 /kg
Total weed seed (maximum) (no./kg)
Moisture (maximum) (normal container)
For VP Container(maximum)
Last modified: Monday, 25 June 2012, 6:39 AM