Method of seed production

Method of seed production

    • RF 101, RF 125, PF 35, CO-1, Gujarat Fennel-1
    • Mid September to Mid October
    • For transplanted crop nursery is raised in the month of June or July.
    • The seedlings of 45-60 days are transplanted in the month of August
    Seed rate
    Direct sowing
    • 10-12 kg/ha
    Transplanted crop
    • 3-4 kg/100m2 in nursery is sufficient for transplanting in one hectare
    • Sowing should be done in rows 45-60 cm x 20 cm or broad casting and the depth of sowing should not be more than 2 cm in case of direct sowing.
    • FYM/compost at the rate of 10-15 t/ha should be applied at the time of field preparation.
    • In addition to this 90 kg N/ha in 3 equal splits, first as basal dose with 40 kg/ha P2O5 at the time of sowing, second at 30 DAS and third at 60 DAS with irrigation should be applied to obtain good yield.
    Weed control
    • Because of slow germination it faces severe weed competition.
    • At the time of thinning i.e. 30 DAS, one hand hoeing and weeding should be done and it should be repeated twice or thrice as required.
    • It is a long duration crop or it requires more irrigations. The crop is irrigated at an interval of 15-25 days until the seed maturation.
    Pest and Disease management
    • Fennel is free from major disease but blight, powdery mildew and stem rot disease are prevailing in some parts.
    • Spraying of copper fungicides, fytolan, sulphur dust, and capton controls the above diseases.
    • It matures in about 170-180 days. All the umbels do not mature the same time. So plucking of umbels is done when seeds are fully developed but still green. Harvesting is completed by plucking twice or thrice at an interval of 10 days. Plucked umbels are dried in sun for 1-2 days and then in shade for 8-10 days. Longer exposure to sun changes the colour and luster of the seeds which reduces the quality.
    • A sieve with 1/14” x ¾” perforations was recommended for grading of fennel seed.
    • 900-1000 kg/ha
    Field and seed Standards
    Factors Foundation seed Certified seed
    Isolation distance (m) 10 5
    No. of field inspection 2 2
    Offtypes (%) 0.10 0.20

    Seed standards

    Factors Foundation Certified
    Pure seed (minimum) 98% 98%
    Inert matter (maximum) 2% 2%
    Other crop seed (maximum) (no./kg) 5/kg 10/kg
    Total weed seed (maximum) (no./kg) 10/kg 20/kg
    Germination(minimum) 70% 70%
    Moisture (maximum) (normal container) 8% 8%
    For VP Container(maximum) 6% 6%

Last modified: Saturday, 24 March 2012, 7:17 PM