Precautions in storage godown
Precautions in storage godown
- Seeds have to be stored and preserved on scientific lines in godowns till they are issued to growers.
- The bags containing seeds cannot be just dumped inside the godown, for it will not facilitate proper storage.
- Proper stacking ensures free access to the stocks in all parts of the godown for inspection and helps in effective disinfestations work.
- Generally, three methods of stacking are being followed
- Simple,
- Cross and
- Block method. 6-8 bags height
For best storage performance,
- The produce must be thoroughly cleaned and graded,
- Dried to the safe storage moisture level of 10-12 % for cereals and 7-9% for oil seeds on wet basis) for a safe storage period of 6-12 months,
- Storage structures should to be properly repaired, cleaned and disinfected,
- Structures should bear the load of seeds stored and do not permit contact/ exchange with outside humid air,
- Structures should be constructed in the coolest part of the house/ farm.
Last modified: Thursday, 12 January 2012, 6:33 PM