Seed storage godown sanitation

Seed storage godown sanitation

    • Storage environment should be free from insects and rodents
    • Chemicals such as insecticides, fertilizers should not be stored along with seeds.
    • Storage room should be kept cool and dry
    • Fumigation may be done whenever needed
    • Use wooden pallets for arranging the bags in cris-cross manner for effective ventilation on all sides of the bags.
    • Seed bags should be stacked upto 6-8 tires depending upon density of seeds
      Restocking once in 3 months or less is important for prolonging seed viability
    • Before storage disinfect the godowns by spraying malthion 50% E.C. @ 5 lit /100 m2 areas.
    • If old gunnies, cloth bags and containers are to be used these should be fumigated with aluminium phosphide.
    • Size of the stack should be 30x20 feet facilitate fumigation under gas proof or polythene covers.
    • Periodical inspections should be carried out and control measures to be taken i.e malthion 50% E.C. @ 5 lit /100 m2 area should be applied in every 3 weeks
    • It must be borne in mind that fumigation, particularly repeated fumigation, may seriously reduce the vigour and even the germination capacity of seeds. Seeds with m.c. greater than 14% should be dried to below this value before fumigation

Last modified: Thursday, 12 January 2012, 6:37 PM