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Various Organic standards
The standards are indicated as directions of sustainability and should be looked upon at global level. The standards acknowledge measure of comparison of or qualitative or quantitative value for degree or level of requirement of excellence or attainments and rules of production. The organic standards were defined as minimum production practices and requirements, which must be followed strictly if the agricultural products to be labeled as organic. The standards may be of 1. Global standards : i. Mandatory Standards
ii. Voluntary standards
2. Regional standards
3. National standards
4. Certification standards Global Standards Mandatory standards Abide by law and regulations and passed by government or regulatory bodies. eg. CODEX standards – are set by world level organizations like FAO and WHO at global level. These are reference standards for any dispute or problems. Voluntary standards These standards influence the organic farming at world level. Eg. IFOAM standard. The major advantages were •It can influence the mandatory standard •It includes new techniques and various types of innovations. •It recognizes the traditional standards in a continuous manner. Regional standards •Developed by mandatory standards eg. EU regulations National standards and certification standards National programme for organic products (NPOP, 2000) India It provides a means for certification programme in our country to establish their equivalence to regulatory requirements worldwide in the organic production, processing and trade. The main aim is to develop National Standards to prepare specific standards, to institute a logo "Indian Organic", and to approve certification bodies. Certification standards and similarities among standards It is developed by certifying bodies through committee meeting and each agency has its own standards. Organic standards were defined on the minimum production practices and handling requirements which must be followed for the resulting agricultural products to be labelled as organic. There are many standards viz., Soil Association Standards (SA), European Commission regulations (EU), CODEX Standards IFOAM Standards etc. Each standard has its own production practices and all have similarities and dissimilarities. •Both EC and SA standards request 3rd party recognized certificate for export •Emphasizing on audit •Request annual inspection •Accreditation •Defines conversion plans •Emphasis on sustainable organic farming. |
Last modified: Wednesday, 4 April 2012, 9:42 AM