2. Crop production standards
2. Crop production standards
Seed / plant materials
- Only Certified organic seed and plant materials should be used
- If organic seeds and planting materials are not available, chemically untreated inorganic seed materials may be used until the period of organic seed availability
- Genetically engineered plants / seeds are not permitted
Sowing / land preparation
- Seed treatment must be done with biological sources only
- Proper spacing between crops must be maintained
- Uniformity in sowing dates should be adopted
- Maintaining the required plant population is needed
- Adopting summer deep ploughing for in situ moisture conservation
- Incorporation of crop residues/manures is a must
Diversity in crop production
- Marginal lands in the farm must be allotted to farm forest
- Crop rotation with legumes and deep rooted crops must be adopted
Irrigation schedule
- Dry spell for more than 15 - 20 days for crops should not be permitted
- Proper irrigation should be ensured at critical stages
- Avoiding excessive irrigation
Fertilization policy
- Maintenance of soil health to achieve sustainable productivity on long-range basis is required.
- Fertilization management should minimize nutrient losses
- No inorganic sources of fertilizers to be used for crop production
- Use of biodegradable materials from microbial/plant/animal origin is only permitted
- Split application of organic manures is recommended to apply 75% as basal and 25% at later stage
- Off-farm material usage is restricted The following materials listed under are not allowed for crop production
- Manures of human excreta
- Industrial sludges
- All Mineral fertilizers
- Manures and fertilizers with high load of heavy metals
- All synthetic nitrogenous fertilizers.
The use of vermicast, compost of spent mushroom, by products from oil palm, coconut, cocoa, blood meal, bone meal, sea weed are restricted.
Plant protection measures
- Thermic weed control and physical methods of pest, disease and weed management must be followed.
- Use of bio pesticides / bio herbicides are only permitted
- Biological control through NPV, Bacillus thuringiensis (B.T.), Trichogramma etc. can be allowed.
- Pheromone traps / sticky traps are allowed
- The use of synthetic herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, pesticides, synthetic growth regulators/dyes, genetically engineered organisms and products for plant protection are not permitted.
- The preparations from Neem, Tephrosia, Propohil can be used as repellants and pest control measures.
- Use of copper salts and mineral powder are not permitted.
Last modified: Wednesday, 4 April 2012, 9:44 AM