Certification agencies

Certification agencies

    Indian certification agencies
    Government of India through Director General of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, allowed the export of organic products only if they are produced, processed and packed under a valid organic certificate issued by a certification agency accredited by one of the accredited agencies designated by the Government of India. The Government of India has already recognized the agencies viz, Agricultural and Processed Food Product Export Development Authority (APEDA), Spice Board, Coffee Board and Tea Board as Accreditation agencies. The organic market in India has not yet taken off as it is in other countries. There are very few domestic Inspection and certification agencies.

    In India, the first indigenous agency received accreditation from the Spice Board is M/s. Indian Organic Certification Agency (INDOCERT), Cochin during 2003. It is supported by two International Organizations viz, M/s FIBL, (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture) and M/s Bio.inspecta, an internationally accredited Swiss Organic certification Agency. FIBL support INDOCERT in planning, management, consultancy, assistance in developing structures, procedures, documents, technical training of the staff and also support in obtaining accreditation requirements. M/s Bio.inspecta assists to start inspections for the export market right from the beginning to co certification.

    Tamil Nadu government has created a new department by name ‘Department of Organic Certification accredited by APEDA to certify the organic production system in Tamil Nadu.

Last modified: Wednesday, 4 April 2012, 9:43 AM