Uses and Benefits of a Business Plan

Entrepreneurship Development

Lesson 8 : Business Planning

Uses and Benefits of a Business Plan

A business plan is often prepared when:

  • Starting a new organization, business venture, or product (service) or
  • Expanding, acquiring or improving any of the above.

There are numerous benefits of doing a business plan, including:

  • To identify an problems in your plans before you implement those plans.
  • To get the commitment and participation of those who will implement the plans, which leads to better results.
  • To establish a roadmap to compare results as the venture proceeds from paper to reality.
  • To achieve greater profitability in your organization, products and services -- all with less work.
  • To obtain financing from investors and funders.
  • To minimize your risk of failure.
  • To update your plans and operations in a changing world.
  • To clarify and synchronize your goals and strategies.

For these reasons, the planning process often is as useful as the business plan document itself.

Last modified: Friday, 6 April 2012, 5:48 AM