Effects of Spoilage on Nutritional Quality

Food Preservation Storage

Lesson 02: Food Spoilage

Effects of Spoilage on Nutritional Quality

Effect of spoilage on nutrient degradation cannot be generalized because of the diverse nature of the various nutrients as well as the chemical heterogeneity within each class of compounds and the complex interactions of the above variables. The major nutritional changes which occur in foods due to microbiological, enzymatic and chemical reactions are listed in below Table.

Type of change Nutritional quality related changes in food
Microbiological Growth or presence of toxicogenic and/or infective microorganisms
  1. Hydrolytic reactions catalyzed by lipases, proteases, etc.
  2. Lipoxygenase activity
  1. Oxidative rancidity
  2. Non-enzymatic browning
  3. Nutrient losses

Foods contaminated with microorganisms may cause food borne illness. Food borne illnesses can be classified as food infection and food intoxication. Food infection occurs due to growth of pathogenic microorganisms in victim’s digestive tract causing diarrhea, vomiting, fever etc. For example- Salmonellosis due to consumption of Salmonella sp. contaminated food. Food intoxication or poisoning is caused due to ingestion of food containing toxic compounds produced by pathogenic microorganisms in food. E.g. Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium botulinum causes food poisoning.

Measures for the prevention of food spoilage:
Manipulation of factors controlling the conditions required for microbial growth and enzyme action viz. temperature, moisture, air and pH other than the food itself can help prevent food spoilage.

Last modified: Wednesday, 7 March 2012, 9:09 AM