Genetically modified foods

Food Toxicology 2(2+0)
Lesson 31 : Safety of GMO foods

Genetically modified foods

This technique of harvesting an enzyme from a bacterial source containing recombinant DNA differs in impact from those food products that are the direct product of incorporation of recombinant DNA into a plant/animal to be used as a food source or ingredient. The first genetically engineered (GE ) food product to be released into the market place was tomato developed by Calgene, Inc. Later GE soybeans and insect-resistant Bacillus thuringiensis corn were developed. Field trials are being conducted on a number of genetically modified plants including tomatoes, brinjal, potatoes, corn, cotton, soybeans and rapeseed. Experiments are also on to develop a ‘ Golden Rice ‘ with high vitamin A content. Trials are also going on to increase the iron content of rice. Also introduction of vaccines through potato, banana etc are also being tried.

Last modified: Monday, 27 February 2012, 9:42 AM