
Human Nutrition 3(3+0)
Lesson 38 : Iron


Iron(Fe) is a trace mineral that is necessary for normal body function and good health. Every red blood cell in the body contains iron. The total iron content in the body of a normal adult man (70kg) is estimated to be about 4-5 g. A greater part of the iron in the body (2/3rd) is present as hemoglobin, the pigment that carries oxygen to the tissues from the lungs. The remainder is stored in the liver, spleen and bone-marrow. A small amount is present as myoglobin, which acts as an oxygen store in muscle tissue. Most of the body iron exists in complex forms bound to protein either as porphyrin or heme compounds or as ferritin and transferrin. Free inorganic iron occurs in the body only in very small amounts. Iron is also present in heme protein and flavo protein enzymes.
Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 5:18 AM