
Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition 3(2+1)
Lesson 19:Fevers – Causes, types, dietary management


Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhi and Paratyphoid B by S.scottmulleri is an infectious disease with an acute fever of short duration.

Source of infection: Feaces and urine of the patient or carriers. Drinking water, milk, food infected with intestinal contents of the patients.

Signs and symptoms:

  • Continued high inflammation of the intestine
  • Formation of intestinal ulcers, haemorrhage
  • Enlargement of spleen
  • Peyer's patches or flat patches of lymphatic tissue at small intestine and ileum
  • Diarrhoea or constipation and severe stomach ache
  • Anorexia and headache due to poor nutrient absorption


High calorie, high protein, high carbohydrate, low fat, high fluid, low fibre and bland diet.

At first clear fluid diet followed by full fluid and soft diet is suggested.

Febrile condition alters water and electrolyte balance, so more liquids must be included.

Last modified: Monday, 24 October 2011, 11:15 AM