Assessment of Perceptual motor abilities

Developmental assessment of Young children 4 (1+3)

Assessment of Perceptual motor abilities

Testing of perceptual motor abilities measure ability to translate sensory information into meaningful actions. This is important for success in school and also prerequisite for development of academic skills. The cause for perceptual disorder is central nervous system dysfunction. Perceptual motor tests require students to copy designs or perform other actions after being told or shown what to do.

For example a child who can not copy a geometric shape such as a square or diamond will have difficulty in copying letters and numbers in school.

Both standardized and informal tests are used to assess perceptual disorders.

Standardized tests

Informal tests

1. Bender visual motor gestalt test


1. Ocular motility test


2. Subtests of Wechsler’s intelligence scale like

  • Picture completion
  • Block design

  • Object assembly
  • Coding

  • opio

2. Form perception test



3. Developmental test of visual motor integration

3. Visual memory test

4. Checklist for auditory perception Skills

5. Test of Auditory Analysis skills

Last modified: Wednesday, 9 November 2011, 5:34 AM