Uses / Purpose of checklists

Developmental assessment of Young children 4 (1+3)
Lesson 8:Observation methods of evaluating young children

Uses / Purpose of checklists

  1. To understand development:
    • The items in development checklists indicate how the child is progressing through maturation and experiences.
    • It enables the development and also enable them to be realistic in their expectations for children.
  2. To serve as a frame work for curriculum development:
    • Checklists serve as a guide in planning, learning experience for young children.
    • Serve as a guide for sequencing learning.
    • To determine whether they are using the correct level of complexity or difficulty.
    • Determine what came before and after learning or development.
    • To plan and provide activities based on individual children’s abilities.
  3. To assess and evaluate development and learning:
    • Teachers must know children’s development and learning progressing and must be able to discuss it with parents and other teachers.
    • They allow teachers to keep trace of individual children and groups of children.
    • They give parents information about the child’s progress.
    • Teachers realize that they have better understanding of each child in the class.
Last modified: Wednesday, 9 November 2011, 5:59 AM