Appendices (Attachments)

Entrepreneurship in Childcare Services 4 (2+2)

Lesson 20 : Project proposal

Appendices (Attachments)

The text of proposal should be a single, brief yet complete argument from beginning to end easy to read. Because many important details will make the text too complicated and difficult to read, they should be put into appendixes at the end.

Typical of documents to put in appendices are:

  • lists
  • diagrams
  • detailed budget
  • job descriptions and
  • any other necessary detailed documents.

The purpose of the appendices is to be able to include all the necessary and important details (which the meticulous reader will examine), but not in the text of the document where the entrepreneur want a smooth flowing, brief argument. It tucks those details away for use when wanted.

Last modified: Wednesday, 8 February 2012, 8:09 AM