The goal of the project should be to solve the problem or problems described in the background. Goals and objectives must relate to the previous chapter, by stating what is the solution to those above problems. The project needs a set of (general) goals and sets of (specific) objectives. Always it should be started with "goals" which are general, long term, broad desires. From those goals specific "objectives" should be generated which are verifiable, measurable, finite and have specific dates of achievement.
For example: "To promote optimum development," is a goal, while "To provide play based activities for language skills by first term is an objective.
One should be as specific as possible in stating the objectives of the project. They should be written in terms of the end results the entrepreneur expects in the project and how he will be achieving these results. Those results must be verifiable (i.e. The entrepreneur can clearly show that they have been achieved, and they can be confirmed by outside observers).
Most donors are not simply a source of funds for carrying out routine "operations." They are interested in supporting activities which highlight the needs of the most vulnerable and distressed and promote self reliance, ethnic harmony and development.
Last modified: Wednesday, 8 February 2012, 7:28 AM