Project Structure (Outline of the Proposal)

Entrepreneurship in Childcare Services 4 (2+2)

Lesson 20 : Project proposal

Project Structure (Outline of the Proposal)

These (structure) guidelines are not intended to tell what to write, but rather how to write the proposal. The entrepreneur should not write the proposal by himself or herself and should take help from friends and colleagues, programmer, manager, staff and those who can assist in either concepts or in style.

The chapters of the proposal do not have to be written in the order presented here, but make sure that the right content is put in right chapter and each chapter relates to the others and to the proposal as a whole.

  1. Title Page (Cover)
  2. Background (Causes of the Problem)
  3. Goals & Objectives (Solution = Output)
  4. Beneficiaries (Target Group)
  5. Targets and Activities (Inputs)
  6. The Schedule (Each Action When
  7. The Organization (Profile)
  8. Costs and Benefits (Analysis)
  9. Monitoring (Observing)
  10. Reporting (Communicating the Observations)
  11. Appendices (Attachments)
  12. Detailed Budget
  13. Abstract (Executive Summary)
Last modified: Wednesday, 8 February 2012, 7:01 AM