Staff evaluation is a natural outgrowth of supervision and is the basic responsibility of the director.Every staff member should be evaluated on a regular basis according to the procedures prescribed. Staff evaluation enables the director and the staff members to analyze what the staff member are doing and in what areas growth and change could occur.
This information is useful for the funding agencies and the board to know about how employees spend their time and for validation of work of employees.
Employee selection: To assess applicant’s ability to work well with other employees. It includes careful evaluation of credentials and behavior rather than on an overgeneralization of positive or negative traits.
Ongoing evaluation: This begins when the staff accepts a position. The director and new staff go over the job description together carefully and make adjustments as needed to fit the circumstances, writing these changes into the job description also includes another important component that the support to be provided to assist new staff member to perform their new roles effectively. The format used to evaluate the staff in ongoing evaluation is work plan. It is a formative component of staff evaluation.
The director’s role in staff evaluation is to observe and analyze the work of a staff person, encourage the development of that staff’s strengths and look for ways to promote growth in weaker areas. The staff member’s role is to work out the details of meeting the agreed upon goals and to implement these plans.
The evaluations can be done weekly or biweekly or monthly, followed by informal conference. The director should make notes during observations or after observation and should be shared with the teacher because they are useful in helping to fulfill the specific objectives set. In all staff evaluation situations a professional approach must be taken. The evaluation focuses on reaching quality indicators- like – low staff turnover, low rate of staff absenteeism, high occupancy rates by clients, etc.
The board evaluates the performance of the director.