Lesson 26: Records and Reports maintained in ECE center
Types of records- maintenance
Attendance Record: Helps to note the number of days the child attends school in a month. The reasons for absenteeism can be studied towards remedial steps and the impact of school assessed in relation to attendance.
Health Record: Anthropometric measurements i.e. height, weight and body measurements of children should be taken once in a month. It is an index of the child’s nutritional status. Results of medical checkups and recommendations can also be entered in health record.
Stock Record: Adequate details about the stock maintained will help to know the necessity of material/equipment in present and future.
Types of records- maintenance
Record of general information of the child: This record will include –
Detailed information about the child:
General details of the child: name, age, sex, date of birth, place of birth, birth order and mother tongue etc.
Developmental history of the child: birth history, age of weaning, age of attaining mile stones, record of illness or accidents etc.
Habits and interests of the child: food habits, sleeping habits, social habits and interests etc.
Detailed information about the family background of the child:
General information of the parents or guardians of the child – age, educational qualifications, occupations, income etc., Information about siblings, type of family, facilities at home etc.
Other details like languages used at home, whether parents are living together or separately etc.
Record of home visits: Details of date of visit, purpose, information elicited, observation made, parents’ responses are included. This information enables the teacher to understand the behaviour of the child.
Record of Teacher’s estimate on the Individual child: Teacher rates on different aspects of development of the child and his participation in school programme, interests, abilities and the interfering factors.
Record of parent and teacher meetings: Details of parents’ participation in school programme, the topics discussed in meetings and suggestions given by the parents are noted. It helps the teacher to understand the level and frequency of parental participation.
Record of Receipt forms: A record of receipt is essential to be issued to parents after the payment of fees. Receipts ensure easy and accurate book keeping.
Record of Admission Register: This register should contain the name of the children, particulars of their parents – occupation, income, caste, religion, address, child’s date of birth, native place and date of admission also be entered.
Record of Income and Expenditure: It should have the particulars of the sources of income and the expenditure of the school.
School Lunch Record: Every day’s menu and its expenditure should be entered in it. It helps to check whether the children are given balanced diet or not.
Visitors Record: Whenever there is a visit to the school by officers or guests, they should be made to record their opinions or suggestions about the functioning of the school.
Record of daily diary: The teacher should record the daily programme – date, timings of activities, materials and methods used etc. It helps the teacher to evaluate the effectiveness of programme.
Record of monthly reports: It is essential to maintain the working dates, particulars of activities conducted which include field trips and health checkups etc.
Record yearly planning report: It should contain plans and programmes for the whole year. Total number of working days, holidays and activities for each month should be entered.