The different tasks of the teacher are to nourish and channel children’s natural curiosity and provide or create a stimulating environment for their growth.
The essentials for successful teaching are
Preparing a stimulating environment: Things should be made available for children to explore, manipulate and to work on problems on their own.
Preparing an orderly environment: The material should be arranged in an organized way, so that it is easy for the children to get used to the activities.
Planning the activities according to the developmental needs of children. The activities should cater to the all round development of the children.
Guiding children in using the play material and thus facilitating learning. She should give the necessary instructions to the children by using simple clear and understandable language.
Providing opportunities to explore on their own and discover new things.
Posing different kinds of stimulating questions (thought provoking).
Developing scientific approach through observation, guessing, testing, manipulating, exploring etc.
Inviting experts in the field of puppetry, creative drama etc to stimulate the imagination of children.
Providing plenty of opportunities for self expression.
Making use of the existing resources for the benefit of the children.