In Organizing Activities

Lesson 27: The Qualities of an ECE Teacher

Role of teacher in Organizing Activities

Activities are of two types. Teacher directed / centered activities and child directed activities.

Teacher directed group activities

  • Whole class joins the activity.
  • Teacher sets the rules and explains sequence.

Ex: Music, storytelling, games for development of senses, memory and organized games.

Teacher directed individual activities

  • Basis for academic skills in preschool-- 3 R’s .

  • Teacher should guide Individual child through a series of exercises.

  • Provide Readiness activities prior to reading and writing.

  • Provide activities for physical and mental maturity with understanding and interest.

    1. Physical aspect: Gross and fine muscle coordination, eye hand coordination.

    2. Mental aspect: Discrimination power, memory, ability to follow directions, working left-right, top to bottom of a page.

    3. Reading readiness: Verbal exercises.

    4. Writing exercises: Tracing, cutting, drawing, coloring etc.

    5. Number concepts: Objects and action songs.

Child directed activities

Role of the teacher

For this the teacher has to plan and organize a stimulating learning environment for the children. They should be resourceful, helpful and act as a guide to the children as they are working in a team.

  • Child directed group activities: Work together in small groups
    Ex: Sand play, water play, block play, doll play.
  • Child directed individual activities: Performed by child individually, according to choice, interest, ability.
    Ex. painting, drawing, clay work and finger painting.

Activity corners/Team teaching

  • Schools with proper buildings follow this method.
  • Whole building – different corners for reading, writing, creative work, quite and noisy activities, music.
  • Based on interest and guidance, children move from room to room and choose the activities.
  • Schools should have talented and resourceful teachers.
  • They work as a team and help and guide individual / group children based on the needs.

Last modified: Thursday, 10 November 2011, 7:49 AM