
Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 48 : Development Schemes for Women


Women who are victims of various atrocities such as dowry, rape, sexual harassment, domestic violence etc are subjected to physical and mental torture besides having to face social & financial problems. With a view to console these women and rehabilitate them, the scheme of “Santhwana” was launched during the year 2001-02.


  • The scheme not only aims at providing legal assistance, financial relief, temporary shelter, protection to victims of atrocities, but also helps them to be self reliant by providing training in order to empower these women to lead a life like other women in the society.

Scheme outline:

  • The Santhwana centres are run through Non Governmental organisations, preference is given to NGOs who are running short stay homes, Family Counseling Centres & to those who are actively working in the field of women welfare.
  • Santhwana scheme is implemented in all the 27 district head quarters and also in 23 taluk head quarters. A total of 51 santhwana centres are functioning in the state.

Services provided

  1. Each centre will have a women’s help line with toll free telephone no 1091. The Help Line receives complaints from distressed & victimized women from 6 am to 12 midnight.
  2. Arrangements are made in short stay homes for women who are in need of shelter.
  3. Counseling services if needed are provided, by trained counselors. If legal assistance is necessary the same will be provided through Legal Services authority or through the legal aid committee functioning under the chairmanship of a District magistrate.
  4. Women who are interested in pursuing their education, are provided accommodation in the working women hostels run by NGOs with financial assistance from the department.
  5. After registering their complaints with the santhwana centres if the victimized women are in need of financial assistance, the relief ranging from Rs 2000/- to Rs 10,000/- as decided by the District Committee will be provided. Women who have sought shelter in the short stay home/working women hostel are not eligible for this financial assistance.
  6. If the victim dies, an amount ranging from Rs 5000 to Rs 10,000/ is kept as fixed deposit in a nationalized bank in the name of her child for her/his education and rehabilitation until the child becomes an adult.
Last modified: Wednesday, 22 February 2012, 2:01 PM