Termites are one type of insects that cause damage to wood work in the building. Termites are popularly known as white ants. The termites normally found are two types.
Dry wood termite live in wood and do not maintain contact with the ground. They normally build nests within the dry timber members like door, window frames, wooden furniture etc. and destroy them gradually. These are, however, not as common as subterranean termites and they cause lesser damage to the buildings. They are generally found in humid coastal areas of South India. They travel and work through wooden structures only.
Subterranean termites on the other hand are mainly responsible for causing damage to the buildings and its contents. Unlike dry – wood termites they live in soil and require moisture for their existence. They build underground nests or colonies and form mud-wall tunnels or runways (tubes) which serve as protected shelters for their movements. Sometimes they build nests near ground in stumps of dead trees or create colonies in the form of dome shaped mounds on the ground. It is through these mud wall tubes that they maintain direct contact with the soil for meeting their moisture requirements. They cannot survive without maintaining any connection with their prime colonies in the soil.
The termites enter the building through foundations or from ground adjacent to buildings and advance upward through floors destroying everything that comes within their reach. They may also enter the building through cracks and crevices in masonry and joints or cracks in floors in contact with ground. Termites eat cellulosic materials like wood, grass etc. and also attack materials like leather, plastics, rubber, furniture, furnishings, clothing, stationery and so on.
Once the termite find a foot-hold in or near a building they start spreading from their central nest through underground or over ground colonies or tunnels and their attack may spread in the entire building over a period of time. The termites breed and spread so fast that they can damage wood overnight: Keeping in view the enormous damage caused by the termites it is desirable to take suitable measures for preventing ingress of termites into the buildings.