Pre - Construction Treatment

Basics in Building Construction 4(2+2)

Lesson 06 : Termite Proofing

Pre - Construction Treatment

Pre-construction anti – termite treatment is carried out right from the initial stage of construction activities. The various operations involved in pre-construction treatment are mainly site preparation and soil treatments.

  1. Site Preparation

    This consists in removing stumps, roots, logs, waste wood etc. from the site where the building is to be constructed. In case the termites mound are discovered within the plinth area of the building they should be destroyed by use of insecticide solution. For this treatment holes should be made into the mound at several places by use of crow-bar and the insecticides taken in the form of water suspension of emulsion should be

    poured into the holes. The quantity of insecticide solution to be used will depend on the size of the mound. For a mound having volume of about 1 cubic meter, 4 liters of emulsion in water of one of the following chemicals may be used:
    Concentration by weight

    1. DDT 5%
    2. BHC 0.5%
    3. Aldrin 0.25%
    4. Heptachlor 0.25%
    5. Chlordane 0.5%

  2. Soil Treatment

    This operation consists in poisoning the soil underneath the building and around the foundation of the buildings with insecticide solution consisting of anyone of the following chemicals in water emulsion.
    Chemical Concentration by weight

    1. Aldrin 0.5%
    2. Heptachlor 0.5%
    3. Chlordane 1

    In order that the soil treatment may be fully effective, the chemical water emulsion should be applied in required dosage on entire area of ground covered by the building. To ensure uniform distribution of the chemical emulsion a watering can or hand operated compressed air sprayer can be used. The soil treatment should be applied in the various stages. The pre-construction soil treatment include following stages.

Last modified: Wednesday, 29 February 2012, 11:59 AM