This is the most commonly used type of flooring and is best suited for all types of rooms. They are non-absorbant, durable, smooth, pleasing in appearance, possess good wear resisting properties and is economical. The only disadvantage of this type of flooring is that it cannot be repaired satisfactorily, when damaged.
Method of Construction
The plinth filling by earth or moorum is done up to 10 cm below floor level and consolidated well. Over this consolidated surface a layer of sand to. a thickness of 10 cm is spread and consolidated. The slope if required should be provided in this surface.
The sub, base usually of cement concrete 1:4:8 or 1:5: 10 (cements and stone aggregate or over burnt brick aggregate) is laid to a thickness of 10 cm and compacted well. It is allowed to harden for sufficient time.
When the base course is fully hardened, the entire floor area is cleaned thoroughly and divided into square or rectangular panels of size 1 x 1 m to 2 x 2m by using glass or aluminium strips of 3 mm thickness. The size of panel depends upon the area of floor, climatic conditions and thickness of topping course .
The surface is sprinkled with water lightly and a coat of neat cement slurry is applied.
The top course of cement concrete, usually of proportion 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 stone aggregate) is laid to the specified thickness in alternate panels in alternate days. The floor should be laid in two layers. The lower layer is 22 mm thick and the upper layer is 3mm thick. The concrete shall be laid gently and evenly and compacted by beating with 'wooden thappies'. Finally the surface is smoothened by steel floats.
The entire operation of laying shall be completed within 30 minutes. After laying the surface should be kept undisturbed for 2 hours and ,then covered with wet gunny bags for 24 hours. Later the entire area is kept wet by ponding of water for 7 days.
If required coloured cement may be used for casting the floor.