In industrial building, hard wearing surface is sometimes required. This can be achieved by applying granolithic finish over the concrete topping. Granolithic finish consists of rich concrete made with very hard and tough quality coarse aggregate (such as granite, basalt, quartzite etc.) graded from 13 mm to 240 no. I.S. sieve. The concrete mix proportion varies from 1:1:2 to 1:1:3 for heavy duty floors to 1:2:3 for public buildings. The thickness of finish may be minimum 25 mm when laid monolithically with top concrete, and 35 mm when laid over hardened surface. However, for public buildings such as schools, hospitals etc. the thickness of the finish may be 13 mm to 20 mm. using small size aggregate. If exceptionally hard surface is required, sand may be replaced by fine aggregate of crushed granite, and /or abrasive grit may be sprinkled uniformly over the surface (at the rate of 1.5 to 2.5 kg/m2), during floating operation.