Any major projects like dams, mines, expressways or the notification of a National Park disrupts the lives of the people who live in that area and often requires relocating them to an alternative site. Uprooting people is a serious issue which reduces their ability to subsist on their traditional natural resource base and also creates great psychological pressures. So far in India in last 50 years 54 projects displaced 33 to 56 million people.
Resettlement and rehabilitation of people
The factors that disrupt the lives of the people and necessitate their relocation at an alternative site may be the major projects like dams, mines, expressways and other projects related to industrialization and even some conservation strategies like formation of National parks. Uprooting people from their original place is a serious issue and it increases the psychological pressure on them because it reduces their ability to subsist on their traditional natural resource base. The displaced people find it hard to adapt to a new way of life in a new place. In India, lakhs of people are displaced due to the indirect effect of Green Revolution, i.e. construction of thousands of dams since independence. The dams have been built virtually at the cost of these poor local people. Though the government has planned to resettle these displaced people and provide them adequate rehabilitation package, often it takes a maximum time to fulfill it