Actions and strategies that can be developed to solve these problems
Lesson 30: Human population and environment
Actions and strategies that can be developed to solve these problems:
Action plans and strategies can be developed to increase public understanding of how rapid population growth limits chances for meeting basic needs. The spirit of open communication and empowerment of individual women and men will be the key to a successful solution to many population problems. Collective vision about health care, family planning and women’s education at the community level build a basis for action. The creation of action plans help to meet challenges to find co-operative solutions. Free and equal access to health care, family planning and education are desirable in their own right and will also help reduce unwanted fertility.
Individual choice, human rights and collective responsibility are key to allowing families to plan the size and spacing of their children. It is plan the size and spacing of their children. It is achieve a balance between population and the available resources. Teachers, parents, community workers and other stakeholders should extend the range of choices about available resources to individuals, especially women, and by equalizing opportunities between the genders from birth onwards.
Teachers, as well as students can use the information super highway to gain knowledge about their countries population and resources. Parents other educators, politicians and other concerned citizens can practice how to make good decisions in everyday life. Decisions about family size, and resource will affect the future generations. Though community forums. Specific issues about the population growth can be discussed and possible action plans can be developed.