Impairments that, regardless of cause or manifestation, for all practical purposes, confine individuals to wheel-chairs are non ambulatory disabilities.
The main problem for wheelchair users are about moving and working from a sitting position; thus many requirements are associated with the dimensions and other aspects of wheelchairs. The length of wheelchairs is about 120 cm and the user’s feet add approximately 5 cm to the overall length. The width of the wheelchair varies between 60 cm and 70 cm. To propel a chair manually, a clearance of at least 5 cm, and preferably 10 cm is needed. We have to consider a total width of 90 cm.
To achieve a complete turn with the wheelchair, it is necessary to provide on the plan an unobstructed circle of 150 cm diameter minimum and preferably 170 cm. Considerable energy is required to propel a wheelchair manually up ramps, over changes in level or over soft or uneven surfaces. Thresholds and changes in level should be avoided. Ground and floor surface should be hard, even and slip resistant.
The reach of a wheelchair user is constrained by his seated position. The wheels of the chair and the footrest extension limit access to room corners, workbenches, switches... The reach of a wheelchair user is confined to a zone 70 cm to 120 cm above the floor level and not less than 40 cm from room corners. For wheelchair access to tables, workbenches or washbasins, a clear space for knees and footrests is needed.