Related and contrasting color harmonies.

Fundamentals of Art and Design 3(1+2)


Related and contrasting color harmonies.

Harmonious color combinations are those which produce a pleasing effect when placed together. The impression is created that all the colors belong together and yet sufficient variety has to be there to avoid monotony. In creating color harmonies few guidelines to be followed are as follows.

  • Warm colors should be combined with warm colors and cool colors with cool ones since there exists a natural harmony.
  • The greyed warm hues which are somewhat advancing have a tendency to unify the colors placed against them and therefore make a better background. The cool hues have a tendency to recede when separate colors are placed against them.
  • The most beautiful color schemes are those which give a single impression; an impression of warmth with, perhaps, a note of coolness for variation.
  • If the color scheme is of cool colors, perhaps an accent of warm color in a small proportion to add variation may be planned.

The color harmonies are further divided as related and contrasting color harmonies. The related color harmonies include mono-chromatic, analogous and neutral color scheme. A large number of objects with a variety of tints and shades are available in the market.

One might select a vase, a picture, a rug, or a fabric with a combination of colors that is appealing. It is not necessary to match colors exactly, but the colors in other areas must be related to those in the design. Different values and intensities should be used. Nature provides bountiful ideas and these can be utilized successfully to make a variety of color schemes and harmonies.

The harmony of color schemes are based on the Prang color wheel, which are broadly classified as follows.

Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 5:11 AM