
Fundamentals of Art and Design 3(1+2)

Lesson 05 :Application of principles of design using colors.


An equilateral triangle placed on the Prang color wheel will point to three equidistant colors that form the triad Fig.5.13. For Ex, Red, blue and yellow are triads. Turning the triangle will point out different combinations. In the Prang Chart, there is a Primary triad - when the three primary colors fall at the tips of the triangle (red, blue and yellow) and a binary or secondary triad (green, orange and purple). There are two intermediate triads - yellow-orange, blue-green and red-purple while the other is yellow-green, blue-purple and red-orange.

Although, challenging triad harmony allows a skilled designer to create a pleasing color combination with one color to dominate. Tints, tones and shades are also effective in harmonizing this color scheme. Triads can be tried in living rooms, nursery, children’s and play rooms.

A polychromatic color harmony as in Fig. 5.9 includes a wide range of colors from warm to cool. With flower arrangements, a variety of colored flowers together with one color that provides dominance looks attractive.

Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 5:03 AM