Tapes selected should be non-stretchable and flexible. Very little maintenance is required for a measuring tape. It is enough to just preserve it carefully when not in use.
Ruler/Yard Stick
Chipped out rulers should be replaced as they do not give accurate measurements.
The blades are to be kept clean and oiled occasionally. Use shears only to cut fabric. Cutting papers with shears will dull the blades. Shears can be sharpened if they become dull.
Hand needles are to be stored in black sulphur paper to prevent rusting.
Pin Cushions
Some pin cushions come with a strawberry that is filled with fine sand or emery, which is useful to clean needles/pins. The abrasive action of these fillers, removes dirt and rust, keeping the pin or needle sharp and smooth.
Seam Ripper
It should be covered when not in use to prevent injuries and damage which may occur with the sharp ends.