Form refers to the shape and structure of a three-dimensional object (sphere, cube, and pyramid).
In landscape design form of the individual objects and larger forms made up by their arrangement are important.
Straight growing plants take the eye vertically. Horizontally growing plants pull down the eye so they are good for planting in small compounds as they depicts close intimacy between the plants and earth.
Forms with plant and other material
Columnar canopy shaped plants take the eye vertically while globular plants takes the eye horizontally.
Form takes account of shape and indicates the whole idea.
Forms made of straight lines are severe, classic, and traditional in design when compared to forms with curved or irregular lines.
Curved forms are feminine, romantic graceful.
Harmony of form is essential when developing a landscape design.
While developing landscape design emphasis should be made not only with the form of the individual objects but also with the larger forms made up by their arrangement.
Last modified: Saturday, 10 December 2011, 4:55 AM