Lesson 05:Art Elements And Principles Of landscape Design
Unity or Harmony
Harmony in shapes and size
Harmony refers to the unity and competences of the design.
Harmony can be achieved through proper planning and organization.
It relies principally on scale and proportion , the pleasing relationship of size and shape.
Harmony of colours is an important consideration in landscaping.
Harmony in colour can be achieved through the use of its value or intensity.
Unity is the essential feature of good garden design in which everything should be interlocked.
The slopping and sweeping green lawns, recurrence of the same plant species or form like tall trees or groups of spreading trees, repetition of colour and texture, the flowing waterstream, fountains and some other dominating features usually help to unify the landscape.
Each garden feature must appear as closely knit in the composition rather than placed as separate entities.
Unity is an overall effect of various features, styles and colours of total scene.
Unity is expressed by the repetition of identical elements.
Plants in the landscape should be limited in kind and variety in order to produce a unified effect as too many divergent shapes, texture or colours generate confusion.
Harmony is achieved through
the unity of style, feeling and function between the house and the garden
the different components of the garden should merge harmoniously with each other. Such as training creepers on the porch to bring home close to the nature.
Last modified: Saturday, 10 December 2011, 6:10 AM