Lesson 05:Art Elements And Principles Of landscape Design
Space in different proportions enhances the beauty
The effective division of space into open area and planted or closed area is often proportionate and related to light and shade.
A certain size of path is necessary irrespective of the size of the garden.
Similarly in a small garden large tree may not be proportionate to the planting area.
Generally in a small garden compact and short growing plants are commonly planted but an occasional large species may also sometimes be useful. Other features should be in right proportion.
The space allotted for different feature should be in right proportion as lawn 25 to 30% , paths 20%,, herbaceous borders 20% , shrubbery 15% to 20%, , tress 15% , and building 35-40%.
Last modified: Saturday, 10 December 2011, 5:09 AM