Choosing an alternative of several is the fourth stage of decision making. In order to make this phase effective, accurate evaluation of the possible effects of the alternatives is at most important. On the basis of analyzing the alternative the choice of one alternative is made. This choice it self is the decision. The future consequence should be accurately foreseen. The selection of an alternative is simple, but because of uncertainty of the future regarding the changes in environment this steps become little difficult. The goal of the family, the standards and resources would become important criteria by which each individual or family selects one alternative. Another aspects to consider is the timing of the decision, if delayed, even if it is correct, it will lead to frustration and further deterioration of the problem. Now it is too late is the casual statement.
The choice we make is the decision. In most instances, the ease or difficulty of arriving at the final decision will depend upon the extent to which the preceding was completed. After analyzing all possible alternatives one has to select one alternative that brings maximum satisfaction to the family.