Privacy:Planning is an important managerial function that usually precedes other functions. Thus it is a first step in the management process. However, it cannot be isolated from other managerial functions, which also have some impact on it.
Contribution to Purpose and Objectives:Planning contributes 1:0 the purposes and objectives of the management process. In planning, objectives are clearly stated by breaking the goal into smaller achievable targets.
Intellectual Activity:Planning is a mental activity. Rest of the management process involves its execution. Therefore, everything, which is needed to be done, is decided at the planning stage. Thus, it is not an action but an intellectual activity.
Continuity:Planning is a continuous and never ending activity of a homemaker. When one goal is achieved, planning for the next goal starts, e.g. the first goal of the homemaker in the morning is to send children to school. After that, she starts planning for breakfast and then for lunch. Thus, planning is a continuous process. Even during the process of controlling some planning considerations are done to suit the changing situations and also during emergencies, when it calls for a modification in the original plan. Thus planning demands continuity.
Flexibility:Planning leads to the adoption of a specific course of action and the rejection of other possibilities. When the future cannot be moulded to conform to the course of action, the flexibility is to be imagined in planning by way of adopting the course of action according to the demands of current situations.
Unity: Every family member makes his/her individual plans. Maintenance of consistency or unity of everyone's plans is an essential requirement of the planning of a homemaker. Therefore, whenever the homemaker plans, she should consider the individual plans of other family members and generate their consent to maintain unify in planning as well as in executing.
Precision:Planning must be as precise as to its meaning, scope and nature. It should be framed in intelligible and meaningful terms by way of specifying the expected results. For example, the budget prepared by the homemaker for the family should be precise as far as possible so as to reach their goals conveniently.
Pervasiveness:Planning is a pervasive activity covering the entire family and all aspect of family living. It is not the exclusive responsibility of homemaker alone. In the family each and every member should be directly involved while planning as it affects the future of every member and that of a family as a unit.