Concept of an Elevation

Lesson 12:Orthographic Drawings – Elevations

Concept of an Elevation

An elevation is a view of an interior or exterior wall. This is a flat, two-dimensional view. Only the height and width are obvious. (Figure – 1 ) This view of the wall shows items that cannot be clearly shown in plan. This could be wall moldings, signs, graphics, window sizes, or a finish pattern that is applied on the wall. Interior elevations will show the inside walls of a space. Exterior elevations will show the outside walls of a building. exterrior elevations must always by oriented with a compass direction
Decorative elements may be added on interior elevation drawings to indicate important interior design features or to deliver the character of the space, based on the designer’s judgment. Adding people can be an effective way to make the space more realistic and to give a relative sense for heights of objects in the space . Interior elevation drawings are needed for the builders to finish the interior construction details. Interior elevations have instructions to construct and install the built in features of the home. Some of these features are cabinets, fixtures, mirrors and surface cover. The techniques for drawing an interior elevation are similar to the exterior elevations. All the dimensions of the interior elevation must match the floor plan and exteriors.


Elevations are drawn to scale. This means that the wall is measured down proportionately to a size that will fit on a sheet. A common scale is one quarter of an inch is equal to one foot (scale: ¼” = 1’-0”). Each elevation will be titled with the scale noted below.
Below figure – 2 is an example of an elevation. The elevation is drawn to scale however in this case it has been sized down to fit on this page. Therefore the scale is noted as N.T.S. (not to scale). This is the elevation of the back wall. On the construction plan above it is elevation 2 on A.6. Detail symbols are shown at the door. One detail represents the door header. The other represents the door jamb.

Last modified: Thursday, 20 October 2011, 12:08 PM