Emotional and mental state

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 15 : Clothing for Elderly

Emotional and mental state

Few psychological characteristics related to age are passed on from generation to generation through our genes while others are consequences of real or perceived changes in our bodies with aging i.e., mental or physical limitations. Besides this, the social and cultural differences also affect emotional state of the elderly people. Due to biological, social, and psychological differences between the sexes, men and women have difference in their emotional and mental state. All these aspects influence the overall well-being of elderly.

great number of stresses caused by a broad range of events and situations are faced by elders; stresses can be physical or social or can be an ongoing part of day-to-day life or caused by sudden traumatic events. Common stresses for older people include the following:

  • diseases or health conditions, possibly chronic (e.g., arthritis)
  • perceived loss of social status after retirement
  • death of a spouse or close friend/relative/children

These stresses lead to number of psychological and physical conditions, such as anxiety, headaches, and ulcers that affect physical health and can have an even stronger effect on mental well-being of elders. Generally, elders feel depressed and withdraw from others resulting in reduced interaction with friends and family.

Further the social contacts of the elder people also decrease that changes their psychology after retirement. Interest, attitudes and habits of elders remain fundamentally the same but physical changes take place restricting them to fulfill their desires.

Last modified: Tuesday, 31 January 2012, 9:50 AM