Emotional and mental state

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 14 : Clothing of Adults

Emotional and mental state

The adulthood is the most productive stage in the life cycle of an individual. An individual has most stable emotional and mental state at this juncture in life. Still some psychological characteristics related to age are passed on from generation to generation through our genes while others are as a result of physiological changes in our bodies with aging i.e., menopause, etc. Besides, the change in social roles and status also affects emotional state of the elderly people. Adults, men and women, have difference in their emotional and mental state owing to the biological, social, and psychological differences between the sexes.

  1. Early adulthood
    • learn to form intimate relationships, both in friendship and love
    • develop trust or a sense of identity
    • The marriage at the age calls for change in the relations, particularly the females who go to husband’s place where she has to establish relations with other family member; leaving of parents’ place and movement to new place sometimes cause emotional turmoil among them
    • The young adults are emotionally attached to their new relation with spouse and new born or young children; any discord between spouse may affect them emotionally
    • The child birth also affects emotional state of the women sometimes.

  2. Late adulthood
    • In this stage an individual is most burdened with the responsibilities of their
    • children as well as the parents; they live with the emotions of the children and parents, hence, are more strained emotionally.
    • Menopause and andropause; the imbalance in sexual hormone level at this stage affects emotional state of the women and men, respectively; results in mood swings
    • a situation of conflict arises between generation
    • Children start moving out for job, etc. leaving the old adults lonely at home; the males and females get affected emotionally; a feeling of stagnation arises
    • Also change in the social roles also cause emotional turmoil at this stage.
Last modified: Friday, 16 March 2012, 7:17 AM