Implications for clothing due to physical changes

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 15 : Clothing for Elderly

Implications for clothing due to physical changes

The above stated changes in physique and physiology affects their physical mobility, social roles and emotional status. These changes have implications on the clothing of the elders as follows:

  1. Fit: Elderly people clothing should have appropriate fit; neither tight fitting nor very loose fitting, to accommodate changes in body size, posture and proportion. The tight garments will be difficult to put on and will exert pressure on body particularly at joint resulting in swelling of wearer body and very loose fitting garments will restrict the smooth movement of body parts. The sleeves and neckline should be planned as per the individual needs to cover up the effects caused by the shifting and loosing of fat in body.The length between the neckline and the waistline should be increased for proper fall in garment. The unattractive sagging of the flesh and an increase in wrinkles in the arms can be coved by having a sleeve which covers the arm to a point below the elbow.

  2. Ease of dressing: The loss of pliability and flexibility at old age leads to excessive strenuous conditions for elders during dressing and undressing. Therefore, their clothing should have proper openings and fasteners for providing ease in putting on and off the garments. The large front openings, large armholes, use of elastic in lower garments at waist and use of velcro instead of buttons and hooks or zippers will help the elder in wearing the garments without help of other person and easy application of fasteners.

  3. Problems due to temperature changes/sensation: Elderly people clothing should be soft, light and absorbent to provide room for enhanced skin sensibility towards heat and cold; skin sensitivity and lowered physical activity. The soft clothing do not cause rashes on their dry, thin and inelastic skin, and the absorbent fabric will remove the excess perspiration from skin of the wearer quite readily which otherwise might cause tender skin to develop infection. There clothing must be warmer in winter and cooler in summer. The soft and proper sized sweaters, coats or shawls that can be put on or taken off easily with change in temperature are desirable at this age.

  4. Becomingness of clothing as per age related changes: Elderly people clothing should have simple style, soft and smooth texture and soft colour to go well with their wrinkled and dull skin; thin, gray/white colour and brittle hair. The plain fabric with dainty designs in earthy background will be better as these matches with elders’ body characteristics.
Last modified: Friday, 16 March 2012, 8:08 AM