Social role and status

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 15 : Clothing for Elderly

Social role and status

The roles played by an individual changes throughout his life. Likewise, the elders also face shifting in their roles owing to physical and social factors. These role changes can be stressful and affect mental and physical health.

  • reduced physical functions place elders in the position of asking for help, rather than providing it.
  • a family member’s loss may place an elder in a care giving role.
  • most dramatic change is due to retirement; they leave work and social roles associated to it and affects economic as well as social status of an elder.
  • the role of grandparent or even great-grandparent brings both new rewards and new demands.
  • besides, the following factors restrict them to conduct their physical and social activities efficiently; hence elders get depressed due to their insecurities owing to inability to do the task:
    • Lessened hearing and diminished eyesight
    • Slower reaction times and agility
    • Reduced ability to think clearly and difficulty in recalling memories
    • Lessening or cessation of sex due to decline in libido

Although there are marked changes in physical and psychological characteristics of elders but people with pleasant appearance gives a boost to almost everyone and elderly are not exceptions. A well dressed, neatly groomed and attractive elder person is more sociable and has better life.

Last modified: Tuesday, 31 January 2012, 9:53 AM